Join The Troth

Membership includes a 1-year subscription (four issues) to Idunna, access to our Communications Platforms (Google Groups, Facebook Group, Discord Server) After one year, members will have a vote in our elections (individual memberships get 1 vote each, family memberships get 1 vote for the whole family), eligibility for office and eligibility for the  Clergy and Lore training programs. 

To see the cost of memberships, including electronic versus paper subscription to Idunna (our quarterly
journal), tap on the drop menu below.

We mail our journal, Idunna, from the Continental United States of America, thus it costs more to join if you are overseas or outside the country- but electronic membership (where you download your own PDF copy of Idunna from our member's website) is the same no matter where you live. We recommend joining electronically whenever possible, as mailing a check can take up to twelve weeks before you may have access to our site and electronic should give you immediate access.

daytime phone number

Membership Terms

I agree to treat all Troth members with respect regardless of tradition, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, gender, or family structure in accordance with the Bylaws and policies of The Troth.

© Copyright 2025